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Last Update 9.12.2005
Last warning for people who don't like yaoi/slash. If this is you, you can exit here.
Multi-chaptered fics galore! All the stories in this archive have at least one chapter; if you want more, email the author and get ready to grovel, 'kay? :) Of course, sometimes even that doesn't work...
Submissions: If you'd like to submit a fic for this archive (please? Pretty please please?), or know of a fic that falls into this category and isn't here (horror of horrors), drop us a line and we'll see about getting it here.
NOTE: These fanfics all have ratings and classifications for their content, so if you don't know them, go to the Glossary. If you have any other questions it doesn't clear up, please refer to the FAQ - your question just might be there, before contacting us.
Tainted Memories
by Kaerith
[Summary] Seifer's changed since being under the Sorceress' control. Does Squall have the patience to try to heal him?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] R Angst, spoilers, language
[Added] 24 August 2003 | Completed: 22 May 2004
Tainted Memories - Chapter 1
Tainted Memories - Chapter 2
Tainted Memories - Chapter 3
Tainted Memories - Chapter 4
Tainted Memories - Chapter 5
Taming of Tempest
by Sasha Petalinkar
[Summary] In the first battle against the Sorceress, the Sorceress gives the defeated SeeD to the triumphant Knight.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] PG-13 AU | Angst, mild spoilers
[Added] 6 February 2001
[Status] Work In Progress
Taming of Tempest - Prologue
Tears of an Angel
by Lady of the Phoenix
[Summary] At the wedding of Squall’s youngest child he meets someone from his past, and learns that maybe his life is not what it seemed.
[Pairing] Squall X Nida
[Warning] M15 Citrus Deathfic | Disturbing content
[Added] 9 December 2005
Tears of an Angel
Terminal Recovery
by Tori Singer
[Summary] Squall falls sick, and has to retreat to Winhill, somebody has to go with him to make sure he relaxes, Zell draws the short straw. Now, an evil ghost demon is haunting the house they are staying in. Something horrible happens to Squall and now Zell, Matt and David are rushing to save him before he turns into a demon and starts killing mindlessly!
[Pairing] Squall X Zell, Zell/OC!Matt/OC!David
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon POV | Violence, language, OC
[Added] 29 April 2005
This is the Last Time
by Sukunami
[Summary] Squall and Seifer meet up in the real world.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Mild-AU Mild-Deathfic | Mild language, mild violence
[Added] 2 December 2002
This is the Last Time - Part 1
This is the Last Time - Part 2
This is the Last Time - Part 3
This is the Last Time - Part 4
This is the Last Time - Part 5
This Mask I Wear
by Kursed SeeD
[Summary] Everyone knows Selphie is simply rainbow and smiles... or is she?
[Pairing] Selphie X Quists
[Warning] R
[Added] 22 May 2004
Chapter 1 - Slamming My Heart
Chapter 2 - I Never Knew
Time After Time
by J. Marie
[Summary] Laguna's age is reverse accidentally by Ellone, and he suddenly finds himself lost and alone at the mere age of 16. Younger than his own son and no memories of his past (future?), Squall enrolls young Laguna into SeeD, and Laguna is under Seifer Almasy's tutelage. Laguna develops a crush on his Seifer, and the blonde Instructor is desperately lonely. What happens when two lost souls come together, and who or what will stand in their way?
[Pairing] Seifer X Laguna
[Warning] PG-13 Mild language, mild spoilers
[Added] 28 September 2001
Part 1 - Temporal Flux
Part 2 - Heartbreaker
Part 3 - Unethical Love
Part 4 - Forever Ended Yesterday
Time After Time
by WanderingTonberry
[Summary] Seifer and Zell are still on that bonding retreat with Selphie...
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell, Squall X Irvine
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon
[Added] 18 June 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 18 June 2002
To This One Night
by Sukunami
[Summary] Seifer uses a love spell in the attempt to win over Squall.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU MPREG | Angst
[Added] 28 February 2003
To This One Night - Part 1
To This One Night - Part 2
To This One Night - Part 3
by Tenshi no Korin
[Summary] It's not a question but a lesson learned in time-- Irvine gives them back their past.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Notes] Sequel to "Only Time"
[Warning] M15 Mild spoilers, mild angst, mild violence
[Added] 5 April 2002
Touchstone - Part 1
Touchstone - Part 2
Training Skills
by Rain
[Summary] Squall asks Seifer to give him some lessons...
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon POV | Language, Masturbation, Kinkiness, Sex Toys
[Added] 10 August 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 26 September 2003
The Triumvirate Arc
by GlitterGirl
New Beginnings [Pairing] Seifer X Squall X Irvine
[Summary] Disatisfaction runs deep all around when SeeD receives a request from the mayor of Dollet to take care of a troublesome 'problem'...a problem by the name of Seifer Almasy, ex-Sorceress' Knight.
[Warning] NC-17 Mild language
[Added] 22 August 2001
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 1 February 2001
New Beginnings - Chapter 1
New Beginnings - Chapter 2
Truth or Dare
by LaughingWolfGirl
[Summary] Selphie cooks up a little game for the gang to play.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Humour | Mild angst
[Added] 10 August 2002
Two Knights
by Sukunami
[Summary] Just a cliche story involving the "Squall under Rinoa's love spell" theory.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Mild language
[Added] 10 August 2002
Two Knights - Part 1
Two Knights - Part 2
Two Knights - Part 3
Two Knights - Part 4
[ top ]
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