Noire Sensus

± the Updates ±

We have an update mailing list where you receive the most recent update plus the full Bookshelf update sent directly to your inbox :) To find out how the next update is progressing, check out the site livejournal for status reports and other tweaks around the site.

± current update ±

9 December 2005

First of all - we want to apologies for the lack of updates this year. It's been the worst year on record when it comes to updates, and I am hoping to change this next year when I'll have a much lighter RL work-load.

Unfortunately even this update is incomplete; there are still many submissions and stories that we weren't able to put up due to time constraints on our end (we're meant to be leaving in less than four hours). So! If you've sent us fics and don't see them up this update, don't fear - they'll probably be up when we manage the other half of what should have been completed today. This includes in particular fics from the Noire Sensus Forums; I didn't have the chance to check them this time, and I am very sorry :(

Also because of the rush to get as many fics up before we leave, a lot of non-fic projects have fallen by the way side. These include the Proposed Beta Team, Image Archives, Fanart Archives, and information pages. I will have access to my computer on this holiday, though (for once), so I should be able to get quite a bit of site work done - but that'll depend on whether or not we can get internet access...

We have one new affiliate this update: Slytherin Bad Boys :) The only thing I have managed to do this update was re-code the Theme Songs so they're now stored on site and not remotely - this should make it much faster both to load and add new songs.

Now, on to the fics! We have one new fandom this update: Legacy of Kain.

To view the fanfic updates, go through the Bookshelf - 11 new authors and 87 new fics today. Hope you all have a great holiday season and new year :D

Note: We're unsure when we will be able to contact new authors since we have no idea what the internet arrangements will be. If anyone happens to know any of the new authors, it'd be great if you could let them know their work is up in the meantime :)


± last update ±

29 April 2005

Not a very big update today, considering how long it's been since the last one - sorry, we've been busy with uni work and haven't really had time to work on the site. I just want to apologise to those authors who have sent in their work for the incredibly slow turnover time - I will try to make it faster. So much for new year's resolutions, huh?

There are a number of small changes around the site: we're in the (slow) process of revamping the Tekken site, the Dojo. K will work on the different sections when she has the time, but I can't promise an ETA at the moment. So far I've redone the entry page... and everything else except the fanfics are still hanging... Eventually! They will be up ;)

There are a few new pictures in the Softmax Gallery - basically the profile pictures which weren't available at the time the last update went up.

It seems to be the season for two's as well. Two authors, baby dragon and Mephisto Waltz have requested their work be taken down and we do wish them well in where and what ever they do from here :) Two of our affiliates, Lirimaer and Yaoi Impressions, have closed, but we have two new affiliates joining us: Fixation, a new multi-fandom yaoi/slash archive and "Feed you with a kiss", a Merry/Pippin shrine.

A number of authors have updated their contact details - but I can't remember who (it's been awhile since I fixed them). As far as I know, all author contact details are up to date, so there shouldn't be any problems contacting them :) I also did some housekeeping around Gramarye since I've been so lazy recently - made some more categories and tried to reduce individual page file size so various sections like the short and long fics now have more pages.

In other news, the Livejournal for the site has changed and is now _noiresensus due to LJ changing their policies while we were on holidays resulting in us not being able to access the old one. The old journal with the old information will be around until LJ decides to delete it.

Related to the new journal is a new project for Noire Sensus: the Noire Sensus Beta Team. At the moment, information can be found on the journal _noiresensus and will be posted onsite as soon as K formalises things on our end. We would like to thank those lovely people who have offered their services to date - K will be getting back to you with any additional information you might need :)

There are three new fandoms in the archives this update: Bram Stoker's Dracula (the movie), Kingdom Hearts, and Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle.

To view the fanfic updates, go through the Bookshelf - 19 new authors and 82 new fics today. Have fun :)

Note: New authors are unlikely to be contacted before next Monday 2nd May - I'm sorry for any inconvinience this will cause, but K and I will not have Internet access over the weekend as we'll be away. If anyone happens to know any of the new authors, it'd be great if you could let them know their work is up in the meantime :)


Previous updates for the site have been dumped in the Trash Can. Warning: it's pretty full... maybe we should be calling it the dump now.

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