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Last Update 9.12.2005
Last warning for people who don't like yaoi/slash. If this is you, you can exit here.
These are all the fics where a major character from the game dies - that said, they tend to be angsty, so keep a box of tissues handy.
Submissions: If you'd like to submit a fic for this archive (please? Pretty please please?), or know of a fic that falls into this category and isn't here (horror of horrors), drop us a line and we'll see about getting it here.
NOTE: These fanfics all have ratings and classifications for their content, so if you don't know them, go to the Glossary. If you have any other questions it doesn't clear up, please refer to the FAQ - your question just might be there, before contacting us.
by Purple Penguin
[Summary] Seifer gets lost in time compression and ends up meeting up with Squall 30 years in the future. How has time treated him?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] PG-13 Deathfic
[Added] 24 August 2003
Believe me, Squall...
by SilverWing*
[Summary] Months after breaking up with Seifer, Squall faces Seifer again in a fight. While their feelings for each other are unavoidable now, Squall faces a problem concerning his current lover, Zell.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Zell X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic | Language, non-consensual, spoilers (the beginning), mild angst
[Added] 22 August 2001
Believe me, Squall...
by LaughingWolfGirl
[Summary] Seifer walks through Time Compression reliving memories and his dreams...
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] PG-13 Deathfic | Angst
[Added] 10 August 2002
Broken Promises (Bother)
by Alexis Logain
[Summary] Stuck in denial, Seifer begins drinking heavily. After a conversation with Laguna, one night he begins to heal.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] R Deathfic | Angst, alcohol use
[Added] 10 August 2002
Broken Promises (Bother)
The Canterbury Tales ~ Physician's Tale
by Kuja's Moon
[Summary] Laguna's a brave knight - with a beautiful daughter - er, I mean, son! But alas there is a great evil - S ---- wait, if I tell you that............you'll just have to read to find out, ne?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] M AU Deathfic | Angst, mild OOC
[Added] 5 December 2002
The Canterbury Tales ~ Physician's Tale
Coldest Heart
by The Wandering Englishman
[Summary] For she has the coldest heart of all...
[Pairing] Laguna X Squall, Seifer X Squall implied
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic-ish | Angst, incest
[Added] 29 April 2005
Coldest Heart
Community Service Well Spent
by Redrum
[Summary] Squall's in a mental hospital. No one really knows why. Seifer's a new volunteer, trying to earn his community hours. Like all new volunteers, he's assigned to befriend Squall. Will he succeed? Or will hopes raise only to crash?
[Pairing] Raine X Squall, Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic | Chan slash, non-consensual, alcohol use, angst, incest, language, violence, suicidal themes
[Added] 29 November 2004 | Updated: 29 November 2004
Crimson Mask
by Squall Morpheus Leonhart
[Summary] Squall is an Ancient or Sorcerer and "someone" is after his power and in the past he killed his family to do it. But Squall found a way to bring them back and now has to protect them and his new family but in the shadows of night yet will he survive?
[Pairing] Seifer X Irvine, Seifer X Squall X Irvine, Selphie X Rinoa, Quistis X Zell
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Songfic Semi AU DeathFic | Angst
[Added] 5 December 2002
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 5 December 2002
Crimson Mask - Notes
Crimson Mask - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Forms of the Ancients
by Fantasy Lover
[Summary] This is the story about two men...mortal enemies, who after coming to terms with their feelings, share a bond that can never be broken.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon Songfic Deathfic (sorta) | Angst, language
[Added] 8 May 2001
Darkness Falls
by Sodoshiin
[Summary] Read the warnings before proceeding.
[Pairing] Squall X Seifer
[Warning] R Deathfic | Angst, violence, drug use
[Added] 18 March 2003
Death's Thoughts
by Redrum
[Summary] Seifer strikes the finishing blow, but Squall's title will live on.
[Pairing] None
[Warning] MA15+ Deathfic | Angst
[Added] 10 August 2002
Death's Thoughts
Degrading the Lion
by Redrum
[Summary] Squall has a new boyfriend, but Seifer isn't to happy about him. Could something be going on behind doors that no one but Squall and his boyfriend know about?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic | Angst, disturbing content, non-consensual, OC, violence
[Added] 22 May 2004
by The March Hare
[Summary] Squall contemplates his life.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic | Language, angst
[Added] 6 February 2001
Ècole des Trahisons
by Alix Vitesse
[Summary] Lune Croix: an established, prominent school, hidden away from society. Squall is thrown into a school whose peace is shattered the day he arrives. He comes to find out that a secret is unraveling and is sucked into the spiral of evil that laid dormant in the school halls until circumstances become awry. He finds those he trusts, but are they really the ones to be trusted? Or should he need to turn to his enemies to find truth? The lines of truth and trust are erased in the school of treasons, where what they feared will come.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Seifer X Cloud, Sephiroth X Cloud, Irvine X Zell, Zack X Squall, Zack X Zephiroth, Irvine X Locke, Locke X Sephiroth, Kiros X Laguna, Kiros X Edgar, Edgar X Locke
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Crossover Deathfic | Angst, disturbing content, non-consensual, violence, slight OOC
[Added] 24 August 2003
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 24 August 2003
Chapter I - Duvet
Chapter II - Donnent
Chapter III - S’ètonner
Chapter IV - Le Premier Trahison
Chapter V - Dètoner
Chapter VI - Jeux
Enigmatic Hatred
by Shade
[Summary] Something is attacking students under the cover of darkness. Will Seifer be the prime suspect because of his history?
[Pairing] Squall X Seifer
[Warning] R Deathfic | Angst, spoilers
[Added] 24 August 2003
[Status] Work In Progress | Updated: 29 November 2004
by The Wandering Englishman
[Summary] Eternity is a long time to wait, but Eventually you can get what you want.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall, Selphie X Irvine
[Warning] PG Citrus Deathfic
[Added] 9 December 2005
by fyre byrd
[Summary] "She is an eye, a plaintive voice like a ghost's, someone else's memory and nothing more."
[Pairing] None
[Warning] PG-13 Deathfic | Spoilers
[Added] 9 December 2005
Falling Prey
by almasy
[Summary] Seifer meets up with an old friend; blissfully unaware of the chilling undertones to their passionate reunion
[Pairing] Squall X Seifer
[Warning] R Lime Deathfic | Angst, disturbing content, horror
[Added] 25 December 2003
Falling Prey
The "Flare" Story-Arc
by fyre byrd
Flare [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] New Year's Eve isn't always a time to celebrate.
[Warning] PG-13 Deathfic | Spoilers
[Added] 22 May 2004
Life [Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Summary] Squall is trying to find something real.
[Warning] PG-13 Citrus Deathfic | Spoilers, language
[Added] 29 November 2004
From the grave
by Purple Penguin
[Summary] Seifer looks down on his own funeral.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] PG-13 Slight-AU Deathfic Songfic | Angst
[Added] 18 June 2002
From the grave
Frozen Heart
by Sukunami
[Summary] Searching for shelter, a priest comes across a treasure incased in ice.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] NC-17 Lemon AU Deathfic MPREG | Angst, mild language
[Added] 19 May 2003
Frozen Heart - Part 1
Frozen Heart - Part 2
Frozen Heart - Part 3
The Gift
by Forbidden Angelus
[Summary] Seifer/Zell... very angtsy, very sad... I really can't make Seifer look like a bad guy...
[Pairing] Seifer X Zell, (hint of Squall/Zell)
[Warning] M15 Deathfic | Angst
[Added] 2 July 2001
The Gift
Give It All Away
by Alexis Logain
[Summary] Squall thinks his final thoughts as death awaits him.
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall implied
[Warning] R Deathfic | Angst, language
[Added] 28 February 2003
Give It All Away
by Twig
[Summary] Twenty-five years after the game, Squall wakes up from an accident to find that many things have changed.
[Pairing] Squall X Rinoa, Seifer X Squall
[Warning] R Lime Deathfic | Angst, mild violence, mild spoilers
[Added] 18 March 2003 | Completed: 22 May 2004
Guardian Angel
by Redrum
[Summary] Squall has a guardian angel, but what happens if he falls in love with him?
[Pairing] Seifer X Squall
[Warning] R AU Deathfic-ish | Non-consensual, suicidal themes
[Added] 19 May 2003
Guardian Angel
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